MEDIUM All-In Starter Pack


REMEMBER! Your price is 40% OFF the retail price or approximately $3500.00 of retail product PLUS the full cost of the Display and shipping.

Crazy Arms and Crazy Legs FULL Starter SET:
Crazy Arms / Legs ( with display ) and 30% more product inventory than the SMALL Starter
(108) Assorted Crazy Arms packs in our most popular colors
(60) Assorted Crazy Legs packs in our most popular colors

10 DELUXE Cats ( ReaPurr and Darth Meow ) – Assorted
10 Snow Beasts – Assorted
10 SymbiOAT Cookies - Assorted
10 BAM Soda Minifigs
10 Dino Dudes – Assorted
10 Pizza King – Assorted
10 Mr Legume (YELLOW Edition)
3 packs MEGA Crystals –each pack = 20 piece assorted
( Neon Orange and Diamond )
10 Conversation Heart Costumes – Assorted
10 Sets of Hoodies and Puffers – Assorted
10 Sets of SKULLS - Assorted

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